The new p2 design has added a sickle type cutting blade to the adze side of the head. This cutting edge allows rooting while digging with the adz, without turning over the tool to chop the roots with the bit axe. Using the sickle cutting edge to cut thru the roots, by first striking the root with the sickle blade, and then by leveraging the handle over to complete the cutting. When building fire breaks or constructing trails, this design reduces time and effort, along with preserving the axe blade for heavier roots, limbing and chopping.
In grubbing and clearing brush the p2 can be used in a horizontal slashing motion for quick clearing of dead and green brush. The underside of the adz gathers the brush, as the sickle edge cuts the material in a single motion.
The 1911 Pulaski is a great tool, but the new designed p2 combines the utility of the original tool with an additional cutting blade, complimenting the service of the tool.